
Ancient Rome

Page history last edited by Jonathan Ferrell 11 years, 5 months ago

Ancient Rome Resources


Essential Questions:

  • What makes a civilization strong?
  • Why do civilizations "fall?"
  • Why does one culture imitate another?
  • What are the qualities of a great leader?









General Resources

Mr. Donn - Ancient Rome for Kids
Wikipedia - Ancient Rome
Primary History - Rome - BBC
Kids Past - Ancient Rome
Quizlet - Ancient Rome Vocabulary
Arcade - Ancient Rome Vocabulary
A History of Ancient Rome - History Learning Site



Geography of Rome

Google Maps
Kid Port - Geography of Rome




Roman Republic




Punic Wars

Mr. Donn - Punic Wars and Hannibal of Carthage
Mr. Dowling - Punic Wars
SS For Kids - Punic Wars
Kids Past - Punic Wars
Fact Monster - Punic Wars
History.com - Punic Wars



Julius Caesar

Mr. Dowling - Julius Caesar
Mr. Donn - Julius Caesar 
BBC News - Caesar's Death 
PBS - Julius Caesar 
Kids Past - Julius Caesar 
History Learning Site - Julius Caesar
History.com - Julius Caesar



Roman Gladiators / Colosseum

Gladiator: Dressed to Kill - BBC
You Wouldn't Want to be a Roman Gladiator - eBook
The Colosseum - Building the Arena of Death - BBC
Colosseum Tour - Discovery





Volcano Explorer - Build a Virtual Volcano
Pompeii Videos - Discovery Channel 



Roman Empire




Enrichment Options

Death in Rome - BBC





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