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Ancient Greece

Page history last edited by Jonathan Ferrell 10 years, 9 months ago

Ancient Greece Resources


Essential Questions

- Where is Greece?

- What was it like to live in ancient Greece?

- How were the Greeks similar to us? How were they different?

- What made Sparta and Athens so different?


General Resources

Vocabulary Arcade  
Vocabulary Quizlet
Talking about Greece - YouTube Video
British Museum - Ancient Greece
Mr. Donn - Ancient Greece 
BBC - Ancient Greece
Greek Pot Painter
Speak Greek 


Geography of Greece

British Museum - Geography of Greece
Wikipedia - Geography of Greece 
Mr. Donn - Geography of Greece 
Kidport - Geography of Greece 
CIA World Factbook - Greece 


Polis of Athens

British Museum - Athens
Google Maps - Athens, Greece
Acropolis - 360 Degrees 
3D Parthenon
Wikipedia - Classical Athens 
Adventures in Ancient Greece 
BBC - Athens
History Channel - Acropolis
Mr. Donn - Athens





Polis of Sparta

British Museum - Sparta
Google Maps - Sparta, Greece 
BBC - Sparta 
History Channel - Sparta (Video)
Mr. Donn - Sparta 
Mr. Dowling - Sparta
Woodlands - Sparta


Greek Mythology

British Museum - Greek Gods  
Ancient Arcade - Mythology Matching Game 
Mr. Donn - Mt. Olympus and the Twelve Olympians 
Mr. Donn - Greek Myths
BBC - Gods and Heros
Myth Brainstorming Machine 
Mr Donn - Greek and Roman Gods 
Mr. Donn - Heracles / Hercules
Myth Web - Hercules / Heracles


Greek Olympics

Mr. Donn - Olympic City-States
British Museum - Olympics
BBC - Greek Olympics 
SS For Kids - Olympics 
Wikipedia - Ancient Olympics 


Persian Wars

SS For Kids - Persian Wars 
British Museum - Persian Wars 
Mr. Donn - Persian Wars 


Peloponnesian War 

Mr. Donn - Peloponnesian Wars 

History Channel - Peloponnesian War Comic History 

Wikipedia - Peloponnesian Wars 
Peloponnesian War - Story about the war told through two families 
KidsPast - Peloponnesian Wars
SS For Kids - Peloponnesian Wars


Alexander the Great (Not Greek - Macedonian)

SS For Kids - Alexander the Great 
KidsPast - Alexander the Great 






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